Our Services
Complete Customer Service
Hearing Evaluation
Complete Hearing Assessment
Complete Hearing Evaluation including Hearing History
Visual Exam -video otoscopy
Middle ear test (tympanogram)
Hearing test - pure air and bone conduction
Word understanding - speech and word recognition
Follow-up with a clinical diagnosis of testing results and recommendations
Q & A Hearing Analysis
Hearing Assessment & Results of your Audiogram
Lifestyle discussion - types of places and listening environments you frequent
Understanding the trial process and realistic expectations of new sounds
Sound can be complex and unique to each individual. All inquiries are welcome and adequate time is given to ensure proper fit and experience.
Hearing Devices
Fitting of New Hearing Technology with complete diagnosis and explanation for your personal lifestyle needs.
Hearing Aid options, size, color and invisibility
Budget Discussion - narrow down your choice of hearing instrument based on the investment you are comfortable making. Discuss insurance or financing options (Paybright)
What’s right for you? Hearing aids are designed to accommodate and enhance a variety of listening environments. What fits your need will ultimately determine your overall budget and how busy and active you are.
Custom earplugs and Specialty Molds
Sleeping Earplugs
Floatable Swimmer Earplugs
Musician Earplugs
Police Mold
Solid Earplugs
A variety of choices each with a unique attenuation rating based on your needs. Protect your hearing and filter or block incoming noise. Several shell styles available.
Medical Referral
Occasionally, hearing difficulties require medical follow-up. If this is the case for you, we wlll make a recommendation to discuss your hearing with your family doctor.
Assisted Living devices and other treatments
Additional Items are available if needed on a case by case basis.
Optional devices to help hard of hearing include:
Amplified telephones
Pocket Talkers
Alarm Clocks
Fire Alarms
TV- Devices
Other Methods to improve your quality of life are additional courses or training. Please ask your hearing healthcare provider for more information.